Schedule K - Partner's Shares of Income, Credits,
Deductions, Etc.
Income (Loss) |
2 |
Net income (loss) from rental
& real estate
activities |
Part of line 2 for SE worksheet, line 1b |
3a |
Gross income - other rental activities
b |
Less expenses (attach schedule) |
4 |
Portfolio income (loss): |
(a) interest income |
(b) dividend income |
(c) royalty income |
(d) net S/T capital gain (loss) |
(e) net L/T capital gain (loss) for 1 yr |
28% rate gain (loss) |
Qualified 5-yr gain |
(f) other portfolio income (loss) |
5 |
Guaranteed payments to partners |
6 |
Net gain (loss) under section 1231 (not
casualty or theft) |
7 |
Other income: |
Other income (loss) (attach schedule) |
Section 1202 gain |
Deductions |
8 |
Charitable contributions (attach list) |
9 |
Section 179 expense deduction
10 |
Deductions related to portfolio income
11 |
Other deductions: |
From casualty and theft |
Penalty - early withdrawal of savings |
Soil and water conservation |
Elderly and handicapped barrier removal |
Depreciation (carries from asset mgr) |
Other deductions (attach schedule) |
Auto Expenses |
Credits |
12a |
(1) From partnerships to which section
42(j)(5) applies |
(2) Other than on line 12a(1) |
b |
Qualified rehabilitation expenditures related
to rental real estate activities |
c |
Credit related to rental real estate (not
included above) |
d |
Credit related to other rental activities
13 |
Other credits:
Disabled access credit
Work opportunity credit |
Welfare-to-Work credit |
Non-conventional source fuel credit |
Other investment credits (Form 3468) |
Orphan drug research |
Other credits (attach schedule) |
Interest |
14a |
Interest expense on investment debts |
b |
(1) Investment income included in lines 4a, b,
c, and f |
(2) Investment expense included in line 10 |
Self-Employment |
15 |
Suppress self employment tax |
Yes |
a |
Net earning (loss) from self-employment |
b |
Gross farming or fishing income |
c |
Gross non-farm income |
Preference Items |
16a |
Depreciation adjustment on property in service
after 1986 |
b |
Adjusted gain or loss |
c |
Depletion (other than oil and gas)
d |
(1) Gross income from oil, gas, and geothermal
property |
(2) Deductions allocable to oil, gas and
geothermal property |
e |
Other adjustments and tax preference items
(attach schedule) |
Foreign Taxes |
17a |
Foreign country or US possession
b |
Gross income from all sources |
c |
Total gross income sourced at partner level |
d |
Foreign total gross income sourced at
partnership level |
1 Passive
2 Listed categories (attach schedule) |
3 General limitations |
e |
Deductions allocated and apportioned at
partner level |
1 Interest expense |
2 Other |
f |
Deductions allocated and apportioned at
partnership level to foreign source income |
1 Passive
2 Listed categories (attach schedule) |
3 General limitations
g |
Total foreign taxes |
Foreign taxes accrued (paid is automatic)
Yes |
h |
Reduction in taxes available for credit |
Other |
18a |
Type of sec 59(e)(2) expenditures
Amount |
19 |
Tax-exempt interest income |
20 |
Other tax-exempt income |
21 |
Non-deductible expenses: |
Disallowed portion of meals and entertainment
Key Man Life Insurance |
Expenses directly related to tax exempt income |
Other nondeductible expenses |
22 |
Distributions of money (Cash and marketable
securities) |
23 |
Distributions of property other than money |
24 |
Other items and amounts required to be
reported separately to |
partners. Enter amounts on Universal K-1 input screen |
Go to
Schedule M-1 |
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